While I am by no means talented at writing, I find it a good mechanism to sift through my thoughts and emotions.
I was informed just half an hour ago about the leak that the Supreme Court’s draft opinion is to overturn Roe v. Wade.
I have never been so stunned and frightened at government news.
It’s been a rough few years being an Asian American woman for the past two years. There’s an entire movement to stop hate against your existence, you’re fighting with your fellow POC for equity and justice, and just doing your best to take care of your mental, physical, and emotion wellbeing.
This might be the first time my rights are directly affected.
I know I live in the Northeast, in states that care, but the thought that my human rights can be decided by just 5 individuals.. it is horrifying and dystopian.
There is a quote that keeps repeating itself in my head: “I can’t believe this country hates women more than it loves guns.” – Diane Nguyen in Bojack Horseman Season 4 Episode 5. The topic surrounds women and gun control, however the first part is ringing loudly to me. I feel hated.
This tweet also summarizes how I feel. “This is an earthquake — for what it portends for the future not only of Roe, but of *all* implied fundamental rights” – @steve_vladeck
I know that conservatives are looking to undo many of the steps that have been made in the past decade. I just felt like talk was talk. Now that one human right is being revoked, anything could be next.
This is violence.
I am furious. I am not alone.
I’m angry and hopeful that we will change the outcome.